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Goddess Power: Awakening the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine in Your Life (Feminine Energy Book, Women Empowerment, Sacred Woman, for Fans of Warrior Goddess)

Goddess Power: Awakening the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine in Your Life (Feminine Energy Book, Women Empowerment, Sacred Woman, for Fans of Warrior Goddess)

by Isabella Price, ,

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#1 New Release in New Age & Spirituality, Gaia ─ Feminine Empowerment

Path of the Goddess: At the dawn of religion, God was a Woman. The Divine Feminine is known by innumerable names and symbol-rich manifestations across the world's cultures. Throughout the ages the Goddess has been honored and worshiped as the Virgin Mary, Isis, Inanna, Asherah, Diana, Kuan Yin, Kali, Oshun, Athena, Pele, Sarasvati, Demeter, and White Buffalo Calf Woman, to mention just a few. Many conceptions of the Goddess are mysterious and seemingly paradoxical. Yet at its source, the Divine Feminine is one. Goddess Power takes you on a fascinating and, at times, surprising journey into the enduring essence of the Divine Feminine.

Inside this book you will learn:

  • How the Goddess path offers an empowering message and inspiration
  • The importance of re-establishing a healthy balance and integration of both the "masculine" and the "feminine" archetypes
  • That the notion of God as archetypal "Sky-Father" is fairly recent in Western culture
  • Why the wisdom of the Goddess/Sacred Feminine has been ignored, distorted, and oppressed for centuries
  • How archetypes, mythic narratives, and qualities of Goddesses are alive within you and how they reveal intimate truths about yourself and others
  • How Goddesses can serve as empowering guides in your personal and professional life
  • Why especially black Goddesses/dark-skinned Mothers (e.g., Kali or Black Madonna) are a powerful symbol and catalyst for change in our times, both individually and collectively
  • And much, much more!
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  • Isabella Price

    Isabella Price, MA, is an international speaker, author, and higher education professional at JFK University where she teaches "World Spirituality" courses. She is the author of the leading-edge book series "One Truth, Many Paths" on the world's wisdom traditions, which includes her most recent book "Goddess Power: Awakening the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine in Your Life." For over 25 years, Isabella has been successfully teaching classes and workshops at JFK University, the California College of the Arts, and numerous other educational institutions and religious venues. She has traveled extensively and participated in numerous rituals from diverse spiritual traditions. Isabella holds an MA in the humanities (global history and comparative religion) from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, where she grew up. She is also a certified SQ21 Spiritual Intelligence coach and teaches meditation to veterans suffering from PTSD and other community members. In early 2001, Isabella moved into the Unknowns of a new life in California. She now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her beloved husband and two gorgeous cats. For more information, please visit Isabella's website at