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SCIENCE MADE SIMPLE: How? What? Why? Answers to 500 Questions, Big and Small, From Independent Readers

SCIENCE MADE SIMPLE: How? What? Why? Answers to 500 Questions, Big and Small, From Independent Readers

by Steve Connor, ,

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Every child goes through a phase of asking embarrassingly simple questions. Why is the sky blue? Why do we dream? Where did the Moon come from? Even the most educated adult can be stumped by such inquiries. But the curiosity behind them – and the urge to satisfy it – lies at the heart of science. This compendium of questions and answers is based on a weekly column first launched in The Independent more than 15 years ago under the rubric “Technoquest”.

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  • Steve Connor

    Nominated and the winner of many prizes in his field, Steve Connor is the dean of Science journalism. In recent times he has reported the most remarkable breakthroughs in genetic engineering, not least the advent of the “three-parent child”. He has also pioneered day journalism in his field, highlighting the prevalence of male births among the south Asian population in the UK, suggesting some troubling social factors at work. Most of all, he is able to explain and illustrate complex stories with consummate ease, a rare skill indeed among science writers.